via bertramonline En Thomas Frandzen har inden for de sidste par dage skrevet:
Come on everybody! Let’s banish the egotistical socialists once and for all, so we can get a genuinely compassionate society based on liberty, captalism and solidarity instead!!
Today, another party leader, Holger K. Nielsen of the Socialist Peoples Party announced his intention to stand down – this is also bad news, as it means that the party might actually get a leader who has a chance of winning a few votes.. Still, we should be able to keep them down – after all, I don’t think that all that many Danes are so egotistical that they’d consider casting their vote for a socialist party!
Jeg har besluttet mig for ikke at kommentere det yderligere, da jeg helst ikke vil have en injuriesag pÃ¥ halsen (læg dog alligevel mærke til de paradoksalt-nok-overhovedet-ikke-egoistiske billeder, han har af sig selv. Ãæââ¬Â°t i menuen samt et for hvert indlæg. Navlebeskuende? Overhovedet ikke. Det er blot et udtryk for de tre uadskillige hjørnesten i al borgerlig politik: frihed, kapitalisme og solidaritet. Vi ved jo alle, at de til enhver tid gÃ¥r hÃ¥nd i hÃ¥nd.)