Politisk personlighed

Gennem BertramOnline (i ny flot forklædning) blev jeg sendt til Harvard Institute of Politics, som i øjeblikket udfører en undersøgelse af amerikanske studerendes politiske personligheder. Selv om jeg nu engang ikke er amerikaner, kan en afdækning af min(e) politiske personlighed(er) jo altid bruges. Resultatet var som følger: You are a Traditional Liberal. Traditional liberals like you tend to be:

  • Against pre-emptive strikes as a policy.
  • Strongly supportive of gay rights.
  • Of the belief that immigration has been good for this country.
  • Supportive of affirmative-action.
  • Oppose tax cuts as an economic policy.
  • Of the belief that basic health insurance is a right.

Det er nemmerlig korrekt, Harvard.

2 thoughts on “Politisk personlighed”

  1. Jeg tror, at testen er i stykker! Jeg svarede at jeg var stærkt enig i at “Protecting the environment should be as high a priority for government as protecting jobs” og at “Basic health insurance is a right for all people”. Alligevel ser mit resultat således ud…

    – Strongly supportive of gay rights.
    – Believe strongly in the separation of church and state.
    – Less supportive of affirmative action than most college students.
    – Less likely to be concerned about the environment than most college students.
    – Less likely to believe in basic health insurance as a right than most college students.

    Jeg kan knapt kende mig selv.

  2. Jeg kan heller ikke kende dig. Prøv igen. Hvilken mærkat fik du klistret på dig (a la Traditional Liberal)?

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