“> Jeg er selvfølgelig “smil”. Det er kraftedeme typisk det satans pis. Jeg hader det 😉 Tag selv testen og lad mig vide hvordan det går. Om mig skriver de: “What’s up, smiley? Somehow you just always seem to find a way to turn that frown upside down. Your upbeat attitude and friendly demeanor brighten up any room, including your favorite chat room. Like your classic emoticon counterpart, you’re a staple on anyone’s list. Boring days and sleepless nights are far more bearable when you’re online to chat. Whether you’re shooting the breeze, catching up, or giving out advice, you can cheer up anyone on the other side of the conversation. So keep lightening the mood, making new friends, and bringing smiles to other folks’ faces. After all, it’s just so natural for you! ” De lyder jo nærmest som om jeg er 😀 … det er jeg ikke!
Hvilket humørikon er du?
1 June, 2004 • 1 minute of reading
About The Author
René C. Nielsen
Sociologist, social designer, and social change consultant usually dabbling with some combination of social innovation, strategy, computational social science, and systems thinking.
Hva’ så Mister Happy Gay Guy. Ha ha ha, sjældent har jeg hørt så rørende og total misvisende beskrivelse af dig.
Jeg er godt nok langt cooler end dig 😉
Lene Marie, the emoticon that represents you best is the BRAINIAC 8-|
Hey, smarty pants. A curious and inquisitive character like you gets the message in more ways than one. While some people may use IM to pass along gossip or simply kill time, you probably like to use that brainpower for more thoughtful discussions on topics like politics, the latest news headlines, or even as a great way to laugh at yourself when you’ve missed the obvious.
Yep, that’s me 😉
Ja, du lyser godt nok verden op med dine … øhhhh … nyheder.
Hey, jeg var også smiley:-) Hvorfor er du så utilfreds med at være en smiley – hvad kendetegner dig bedre?
Jeg er helt tilfreds med at være smiley. Jeg ville dog hellere være ;-), da det nok nærmere betegner min måde at være på … men smiley er fint. Jeg er bare ikke en :-D, som de nærmest beskriver mig som. Jeg vil dog godt gå med til ;-D, hvis det skulle være. Hvad synes du om at være smiley? Tilfreds? Glad? 😉