Jeg har i dag fået de første karakterer, der kommer til at stå på eksamensbeviset. I “Social Theory & Cultural Identity”, hvor jeg skrev om Zygmunt Baumans “Modernity and the Holocaust” fik jeg 68 %. Kommentaren fra eksaminatoren var: “The work is well structured and well presented, shows familiarity with critical literature on Bauman as well as his work. However the main argument about synthesis of Bauman’s and Elias’ positions seems to overlook fundamental differences between the authors in respect of the focus of this analysis and implications they draw from it.” Det må man jo ikke være utilfreds med. I “Archival Research”, hvor jeg skrev om Gandhis besøg i Lancashire i 1931, fik jeg som fortjent. Jeg fik 58 %, hvilket må være noget i retningen af et 7-tal derhjemme. Det var blandt andet mine skriftlige færdigheder, som eksaminatoren var utilfreds med: “Interesting topic and interesting findings, good choise of theme and sources. The chief problems here are structure and style. It takes you too long to describe your sources and choose those you will focus on. Moreover, your english style is somewhat long minded – your sentences should be short and focused, explaining ideas & intentions clearly. Thanks.” Det var jo så mindre godt, men på den anden side forventet. Jeg glæder mig endnu mindre til at få opgaven tilbage i “Rapid and participatory appraisal”, for den opgave var endnu værre, og ryger måske ned under de kritiske 50 %. Gisp!
Første rigtige karakterer
10 February, 2004 • 2 minutes of reading
About The Author
René C. Nielsen
Sociologist, social designer, and social change consultant usually dabbling with some combination of social innovation, strategy, computational social science, and systems thinking.